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Sample collection

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ARCHIVE (2017)

Sample collection (which is most often called doping-control) is collection of biological material (urine and blood) for the purposes of doping control. This is a major procedure, arranged not only to detect the use of a prohibited substance or prohibited method by a specific athlete, but also serves to prevent the use of such substances and methods and the protection of clean sport.

Any athlete, at any time and in any place may be selected to provide a sample.

Sample collection is conducted at the disposal of anti-doping organizations, including the national anti-doping organizations, international sports federations, major sporting events organizers, and other organizations as defined by the world anti-doping code and the All-Russian anti-doping rules.

In accordance with art. 5.2. of International standard for testing and investigations, RUSADA is authorized to conduct in-competition and out-of-competition testing among those not retired from sports athletes (including suspended athletes and athletes serving a period of ineligibility) who are nationals, residents, licence holders or members of sports organizations of the Russian Federation or foreign athletes who are on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Russian athletes can also be tested by a national anti-doping organization of the country in which they reside, and by order of the international Federation, the rules of which he or she subjects to, and by the organizer of major sporting events or world anti-doping agency.

The sampling procedure provides:

  • all the applicable principles of internationally recognized standards for the protection of human health, including the implementation of blood collection by a qualified person in order to avoid risk to health and safety
  • samples compliance with the quality and scope of applicable laboratory requirements
  • excluding of manipulation with the sample, alteration, contamination or any other falsification
  • clear and precise methods for the identification of samples
  • reliable sealing of the sample.

Samples are collected both in-competition and out-of-competition that provides for selection of samples during training or in the place of athlete’s residence.

All testing is conducted without prior (advance) notification of the athlete.

Sample collection at RUSADA planned missions is conducted by RUSADA doping control officers and representatives of WADA accredited international organizations that provide sample collection services for the purpose of doping control, or by representatives of other national anti-doping agencies.