On December 4, RUSADA signed an agreement with Russian International Olympic University on partnership and implementing joint educational projects. The ceremony of signing took place in Moscow, with participation of RUSADA Director General Yuri Ganus and rector of Russian International Olympic University Lev Belousov.
The parties agreed to cooperate in implementing a set of measures in order to executed the National Plan on Fighting against Doping in Russian (which was adopted by the Independent Public Anti-Doping Commission in February 2017 and approved by the decision of the Russian Federation Government of June 10, 2017 No.1456-r) via conducting large-scale educational activities, implementing new educational technologies, forms and means of teaching.
The agreement entails including in the curriculum of most of the programs of additional professional education of Russian International Olympic University of subjects, courses on fighting against doping in sport, state anti-doping regulations, including the respective current laws. RUSADA representatives will work as guest lecturers and provide regular educational and methodological support to the activities of the university in this area.
The major educational product of the Russian International Olympic University is one-year program “Master of Sport Administration” which prepares top class sport administrators. In addition, the Russian International Olympic University implements 20 short-term course of advanced training in various aspects of sport management, preparing hundreds of sport industry managers from different regions of Russia every year. The Russian International Olympic University also gives course on retraining athletes (with support of the Russian Olympians Foundation) and a number of other programs, including the programs held in cooperation with the National Olympic Committees of the CIS countries.
Rector of the Russian International Olympic University, professor Lev Belousov said, “We are preparing new generation sport managers, for this reason, those who are to develop our sport, need to receive a powerful anti-doping injection. The purpose of cooperation with RUSADA is serious educational work. We are convinced that high achievements in sport are possible without using doping, and we believe that education plays a key role in purifying sport. The university will become a means of communicating the respective information to the broad circle of sport managers”.
RUSADA Director General Yuri Ganus said: “This is our first agreement of this type with an education institution. Russian International Olympic University actively conducts educational activities and, which is very important, all the target groups which are of interest for us, study by its programs: sport officials, managers of various levels, coaches, former and current athletes. For this reason, I am confident that the joint work of RUSADA specialists and RIOU professors on fighting against doping will provide the outcome we all need”.
RUSADA Deputy Director General on International Cooperation and Anti-Doping Issues Margarita Pakhnotskaya stressed the importance of signing this agreement because it creates zero tolerance to doping, which is on the strategic objectives for RUSADA. “In addition, by signing the agreement, we have implemented the instruction of the President of the Russian Federation of November 9, 2016 given to the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation to adopt, jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, with engagement of RAA RUSADA, anti-doping educational programs for different types of educational organizations and organizations engaged in sport preparation. We are following the global trend by doing this work in the area of education and preventive activities”, Pakhnotskaya added.
*Association Russian Anti-Doping Agency RUSADA was established in 2015. The Russian Olympic Committee and the Russian Paralympic Committee are the founders of RUSADA. RUSADA’s main mission is protecting athletes’ fundamental right to compete in doping-free sport.
* Russian International Olympic University was established on 21 October 2009. The founders of the University are the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation, the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) and Interros group. The activities of Russian International Olympic University focus on preparation of highly qualified specialists for the Russian and global sport industry, Olympic and Parlympic movement. RIOU Board of Trustees is headed by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.