MOSCOW, June 15-16, 2017 third training seminar was held for staff of executive bodies of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sport, responsible for implementation of interaction with RUSADA, the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation and Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation in regard of issues of prevention of doping. The seminar was organized by RUSADA jointly with the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation.
Representatives of executive bodies of the regions of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sport and the heads of regional centers of sports training from 7 regions of Russia, participated in the event.
The first day of the training seminar was devoted to the global issues "Key Aspects of Conventions of the Council of Europe and UNESCO against doping", "Education based on values".
Legal aspects of the anti-doping activities in the Russian Federation were covered by Veronika Loginova, Head of Department of Anti-Doping and Interdepartmental Interaction of the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation.
The seminar was followed with a strategic session where the participants were asked to conduct a SWOT-analysis on the topic of “Role of the Ministry of Sport in the anti-doping activities in the regions of the Russian Federation”.
In conclusion of the first day of the training seminar, best practices of implementing regional anti-doping educational programs were reviewed.
On June 16, within the framework of the seminar, the participants learned about the ways of effective implementation of educational anti-doping programs, presented by the Head of Educational Programs Department of RUSADA Margarita Pakhnotskaya. Specialists of the Agency gave lectures on key subjects, including the international anti-doping requirements, types of anti-doping rules violations, the procedure of doping control, peculiarities of filling in ADAMS, WADA Prohibited List and other aspects.
Work with representatives of executive authorities of Russian regions will continue within the regional anti-doping educational programs developed by them.
Further work on implementing the developed programs will enable to provide the effective system of the educational sessions devoted to the values and rejection of doping in sport on the basis of educational institutions of different levels, starting from elementary school and finishing with sport and teacher training higher education institutions. This, in turn, will promote forming zero tolerance to doping in sport, develop sports culture on the basis of value-oriented approach.