Сooperation agreement implies joint realization of number of key educational projects covering the entire Far East. The projects focus on the anti-doping prevention, on establishment of anti-doping...
On the last day participants presented to the board of experts plans on promotion "Ethics in sports" project in the regions. Board of experts was represented by RUSADA Deputy Director General Margarita...
On September 28, 2018 Russian Anti-doping Agency “RUSADA” and Russian International Olympic University with the support of Russian Federation Ministry of Sports and Russian Olympic Committee hold ...
The framework of the document implies joint anti-doping educational activities on the base of SCOLIPE, promotion and support of mass physical culture, sports, healthy lifestyle among students and ...
The project aims to establish professional ground for the development of a new culture in sports and anti-doping promotion.
At the marathon Russian anti-doping Agency "RUSADA" held an educational "Play True" quiz, where everyone could take part and get a souvenir for the correct answers. RUSADA have developed a special...
Russian Anti-doping Agency RUSADA, Russian football Union and First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov have prepared a methodical manual "Anti-Doping support in Russian football"....
Memories are the most valuable thing people have. We would like to share pleasant memories from the recent event we attended.
On July 22-23 2018 the specialists of RUSADA educational programs department Valeriya Konova and Kristina Kucheeva conducted seminars on "Anti-doping rules. Doping controls procedure." during the ...
On June 19, 2018 in Kazan, RUSADA Deputy Director General for International Cooperation and Anti-Doping Issues, Margarita Pakhnotskaya, gave a presentation on anti-doping rules at the Volunteer Leadership...