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  • On November 24, 2020, by decision of the Supervisory Board of RAA RUSADA, the new Disciplinary Anti-Doping Committee was approved, which includes:

    Chairman of the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Committee

    Zaytsev Vladimir Vasilyevich

    Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of Law, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.

    Director of the Center for Economic Justice in the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

    Vice-chairman of the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Committee

    Sirotkin Anton Borisovich

    Attorney, Counselor of Moscow Bar Association, Head of Special Judicial Projects Group.

    Members of the Committee:

    Karkishchenko Vladislav Nikolaevich

    Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

    Director of the Scientific Center of Biomedical Technologies of the Federal Medical Biological Agency (Federal State Budgetary Institution Scientific center of biomedical technologies of Federal Medical and Biological Agency» (FSBI SCBMT FMBA of Russia)

    Medunitsyna Ekaterina Nikolaevna

    Associate professor of department of clinical allergology and immunology of Moscow State Medical Dentistry University named after A.I. Evdokimov, member of Russian Association of Allergologists and Clinical Immunologists and EAACI

    Allergologist-immunologist doctor, candidate of medical science, senior scientific fellow if Federal State Budget-Funded Institution “State Scientific Center Institute of Allergology” of Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia.

    Mokhov Alexandr Anatolievich

    Doctor of legal Sciences, Professor of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL).

    Zaytseva Natalia Viktorovna

    Candidate of Judicial Sciences, Associate Professor of Law, Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

    Deputy CEO, Head of Legal, JSC «Power Machines»

    Kravchenko Alexander Alexandrovich

    Candidate of legal sciences in civil law, business law, family law and international private law.

    Attorney of the International Collegium of Lawyers “Saint-Petersburg”.


Russian Anti-Doping Agency RUSADA initiated the creation and coordination of work of independent Disciplinary Anti-Doping Committee. Hearings conducted by the Committee establish whether anti-doping rules violation took place. The hearing process shall respect the following principles:
  • Fair and impartial hearing panel;
  • Athlete’s right to be represented by counsel at athlete’s own expense;
  • Athlete’s right to be informed in a fair and timely manner about the asserted anti-doping rules violations;
  • Right of appeal regarding the accusations of anti-doping rules violations and imposed sanctions;
  • The right of each party to present evidence, including the right to call and question witnesses subject to the hearing panel’s discretion to accept testimony by telephone or written submission;
  • Person’s right to have an interpreter at the hearing, with the hearing panel to determine the accuracy of translation and the procedure for reimbursing the costs of the interpreter’s services;
  • Timely, written and reasoned decision, which necessarily includes the reasoning of the imposed period of ineligibility